No matter what your DREAMS are, go for it full time with passion, determination and hope and trust in God. You’ll sure make it if you do. Never give up in life but be firm and steadfast in your decisions and go for your DREAMS without reservation. If you do, you will sure make it.

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YOU have “The Power to Excel” in your life. Are you aware that you have all it takes to live a great life. Life is a special gift, and if you are alive, you have everything you need to create a great life. No one will do it but you. It’s you, not your father,

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When you are at a crossroad and about to WIN, the last thing you want to do is quit. The quitting person in you will give you thousands of reasons to quit. DON’T YOU EVER LISTEN. The quitter will always mess up your brain to tell you that you will not win. Today I charge

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Positivity is a mental attitude of having a positive outlook to life. A positive mind-set is always focused on the good aspect of things. The more positive you are, the more positive outcomes that come your way. Today decide to be positive in all you do and you will see a great change in your

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Your gifts are the talents you are born with. They are inside you and waiting to be developed. No matter where you are now in the world, whether in Africa, Americas, Oceania, Asia or Europe, you must understand one thing….. You have GREAT gifts inside you. Mine is in writing books, motivating the masses and

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Success is not about competition. Success is relative. What is success for you may mean something else to another person. Success is not about comparing yourself with others. In my opinion, Success is comparing what you have done to what you can do or could’ve done. With that in mind, there is no need for

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Children are future leaders. They will do very well is guided well. That is why I wrote this book to teach them how to start early to read, write, and learn the skills needed to live a happy and great life. In this book, children will learn the basics of what they need to do

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The word potential means latent power. It also means hidden talent, untapped energy or unused characters. Inside you lies potentials that are waiting to be tapped into and developed. Every human being has them but most people spend their lives wasting time, watching TV daily, visiting people who have no contributions to their personal growth,

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Billions of people world-wide are unhappy today. They have almost everything they need and can buy anything they want but are very unhappy. They will love to be happy but have not discovered how to make that happen. In this book, I described the things you can do to be happy daily, things that worked

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Dream Big no matter what. Life is about dreaming big and working on actualizing your dreams. Every new day is an opportunity for you to get things right. If you dream big and work hard without giving up, there is chance that you will achieve your goals. That’s how I was able to write and

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