I hear people say that they are saving a particular dress, shoe, or outfit for a special occasion. I used to do same but after many years of studying the dynamics, reality, events and un-predictability of life, I decided that I will never save any of my shoes, clothes, outfits or even car for special

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I attended a funeral today of a 24 year old beautiful lady. It was a pathetic scene watching her parents, siblings, family and friends escort the casket to the cemetery for burial after an emotionally charged church service. As I watched the white casket being lowered into the grave, I had a feeling in me

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From the day you were born, your life starts. From childhood you developed into a young person. At that time you can differentiate right from wrong. That’s when your future starts. So whatever you do and how you live your life at that stage will determine what your future will be. It means that what

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