Jealousy is a wasted emotion. People who you hate are going to succeed regardless. People you do not like will sometimes do and be better than you. People will always be better than you, one way or the other. Just accept where you are right now, and stop being jealous of others so that you

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Every day is a miracle. Even being a human being is a bigger miracle. Life is a miracle. Ability to see is a miracle. Hearing is miracle. If you can eat food, it is a miracle. If you have two legs and can walk, it is a miracle. If you have a job, it is

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When I started this brand after I discovered my purpose on Earth, a lot of people downplayed the brand and said it will go nowhere. A few people supported me and are still part of the progress. I never gave up but kept working on my purpose. Today, I am proud to state that I

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Resilience is the power to withstand every trial and opposition until you achieve your goals. An African proverb states that the wind cannot break a tree that bends. That’s who you are. You are like a tree that is never broken by the wind. Stay focused and keep working on your dreams. If you do,

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