Abecedario Del Exito Para Ninos (A to Z of Success for Children)
ABECEDARIO DEL EXITO PARA NINOS (A to Z of Success for Children) book by Azuka Zuke Obi has published on Amazon.com. This book is also on Barnes and Noble website BN.COM.
This book is in Spanish language to complement the English version. I don’t speak Spanish but understand a bit and I wrote this book to help the Spanish speaking children worldwide learn how to aim for success starting at a very young age. The book was translated and edited by Spanish speaking translators.
Children are the future and I owe myself a duty to support them my own little way as much as I can.
Whatever we can do to make our children successful, please let us all do it for they are the future of the world.
To order copies of this book, just head to amazon.com.
Have a great day and keep dreaming BIG. God bless the world. God bless you. God bless our children.