Procrastination means postponing things until all conditions are perfect. Do you know that procrastination is the biggest killer of all dreams? Procrastination has destroyed hopes, killed ambitions, frustrated lives and crippled many aspirations. Do not wait until everything is alright to strive for success. You may be waiting the whole of your life and you’ll

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Is there something you want to achieve? Is there something you have been putting off from doing, that which you know you can do. Just believe it, work on it, fight for it, give up every distraction and go for it full time and you will get it. The Power is in you and I

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I travel a lot to speak in public and ask lots of questions. Why are many people stagnant and seem frustrated that things are not going well for them. The major is reason is this:- Many people in the world today are distracted by secondary activities. By secondary activities I mean activities that does not

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Do you want more abundance, blessings, and more from life? If your answer is yes, then these are the steps to make this happen. 1. Think of abundance every minute of the day. 2. Be deeply grateful for all you have now especially your life. 3. Send thoughts of abundance to every one you meet

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