When you are at a crossroad and about to WIN, the last thing you want to do is quit. The quitting person in you will give you thousands of reasons to quit. DON’T YOU EVER LISTEN. The quitter will always mess up your brain to tell you that you will not win. Today I charge

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Positivity is a mental attitude of having a positive outlook to life. A positive mind-set is always focused on the good aspect of things. The more positive you are, the more positive outcomes that come your way. Today decide to be positive in all you do and you will see a great change in your

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Your gifts are the talents you are born with. They are inside you and waiting to be developed. No matter where you are now in the world, whether in Africa, Americas, Oceania, Asia or Europe, you must understand one thing….. You have GREAT gifts inside you. Mine is in writing books, motivating the masses and

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