Do you see roadblocks or possibilities for amazing growth in your life? Are you saying “I don’t have the time to do this, or “Are you working towards your dreams? Understand this: our outlooks to life greatly influence our outcomes. The moment you start growing as a person day by day doing little things with

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For great change to happen in your life, you must have a positive mind-set which is very important in determining whether you’ll achieve success in what you do, or whether you’ll struggle trying to create just one thing. What is a mindset? Your mindset is similar to your attitude, meaning how you perceive yourself and

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I used to compare myself to others. If you’ve done so before, you know how energy-sapping it can be. That was the most wasted years of my life-doing comparative analysis. Thankfully to God, I had a wake-up call. I stopped wasting my energy involving myself in “comparative drunkenness”, stamped my foot down, started taking massive

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This is an amazing time of the year when we feel the potential and zeal for serious changes and a sense of determination, drive and accomplishment. On this note, I charge you to be strategic in using your God-Given energy, and channel them towards making a remarkable difference in your life and in that of

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I was at a Target store this evening to pick up a few things on my way home. Before I went into the store, I had asked that God place someone in my path to be blessed. Now in the store, I saw a lady, about 5 feet 1, looking at me with smiles as

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The new YOU will change the world. Azuka puts the power in YOUR hands with his new book. Prepare for infinite possibilities with “The 9 Power Principles for Change.” No excuses accepted. Success is your only option. He shows you the way. His journey wasn’t easy. And HE did it. So can you. So worth

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Oftentimes I have tried to research the quest and desire for success by people and end up feeling more and more astonished on my findings. I have tried numerous times to search if there is a short cut to success or a one shot aim and that’s it. All my findings keep pointing to one

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The life of a runner who wants to win is a constant struggle to push beyond the finish line. The life of a determined person is to strive to become what we are not, and to do what we ordinarily thought is not doable. I always draw so much inspiration from a quote from Apostle

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Goals are the things we have always wanted to accomplish in our life time. Everyone, including me, when we were much younger, knows exactly what they mean. Then our goals are clear and everything else is possible in our minds and we have always believed they are achievable. We dream large and are never afraid

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