Minding your business is one of the best things you can do for your life. Minding your own business includes ignoring people who do you wrong and getting on with your life. It is not your job to fix another person’s rubbish, nonsense or poor behavior. Your duty is to focus 100 % on your

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If you think you’re second class then you are. If you think and believe you’re first class, then you are. If you think small you stay small. As a woman thinketh, so she will be. As a man thinketh so shall he be. You may have fallen, but you’ll bounce back. Yes you will, why?

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You are the architect of your life. You build the foundation and choose its content. All you need to do is to first believe in yourself, then find that which you like and enjoy doing and do it with all your heart and energy. Once you start and it is a good product or line,

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To enjoy your life to the fullest with joy, you must cut off toxic people from your life. They are useless, and of no value. You do not have to entertain them at all. Although it is not easy to do so, but for you to have peace of mind, you must get rid of

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Be careful of the people you call friends. Be careful in letting people into your life because not everyone you call a friend is truly a friend. Life is so precious and you must be very careful in choosing friends. Be sure people you call friends are those that will support you, encourage you and

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, Life is a precious gift from God. Life is a one-shot program without a do over. So, while living your life, it is important that you totally avoid useless people that add no value to your life. Stay connected to your inner power and do only the things that add value to your wellbeing.

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Distance yourself from negativity and negative people who only give out negative thoughts and energy. They are useless, poisonous and pointless. They will never help you grow but rather they only focus on themselves. Stop them from coming near you and if they are around you, just limit the time you spend with them and

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Life is a precious gift from God. Life is a one-shot program without a do over. So, while living your life, it is important that you totally avoid useless people that add no value to your life. These group of people are there to reduce, distract, divide and subtract from your life. Stay focused and

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When you fall or fail in any project. Do not stay down and complain or set up a pity party. Rather get back up and start fighting hard again for success. Even if people you trusted betray you, break away from them even though you thought they will be in your life a long time.

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Happiness comes when you stop complaining and grudging about the troubles you have and begin to be grateful for all the good things happening in your life and all the troubles you don’t have. When you are grateful for all you have, you open the doors of the universe to send more blessings to you

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