Life is not fair and can be tough. But to live a great life, you must be hopeful. This book will teach you how to live a hopeful life in a way that you will be able to tackle the challenges of life head on, happily, hopefully, with faith & without losing enthusiasm. It’ll put

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Take care of yourself. Your life is a precious gift that must be appreciated and cherished. It is a one-shot program without a do over once you die. Every second counts and you do not know when you will die. Take care of yourself and improve yourself daily. Life is full of ups and downs

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Jealousy is a wasted emotion. People who you hate are going to succeed regardless. People you do not like will sometimes do and be better than you. People will always be better than you, one way or the other. Just accept where you are right now, and stop being jealous of others so that you

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Every day is a miracle. Even being a human being is a bigger miracle. Life is a miracle. Ability to see is a miracle. Hearing is miracle. If you can eat food, it is a miracle. If you have two legs and can walk, it is a miracle. If you have a job, it is

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When I started this brand after I discovered my purpose on Earth, a lot of people downplayed the brand and said it will go nowhere. A few people supported me and are still part of the progress. I never gave up but kept working on my purpose. Today, I am proud to state that I

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Resilience is the power to withstand every trial and opposition until you achieve your goals. An African proverb states that the wind cannot break a tree that bends. That’s who you are. You are like a tree that is never broken by the wind. Stay focused and keep working on your dreams. If you do,

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Faith means that you trust that God has plans for your life, and he will make it perfect at his own time. Survivors rely on faith at times of challenges and with a belief that God will see them through will always bounce back to glory. So have faith in God and trust that no

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The seeds you planted in the past, either good or bad, either big or small, will begin to bear fruit and affect the quality of your life as you get older. Be sure to plant good seeds in your life. Be sure to water them well for soon you will begin to reap your rewards.

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Tenacity is the super glue that gives survivors the power, energy and strength to never give up. Survivors refuse to give up, to let go nor yield to pressure when facing hardships. Once you develop tenacity to live life, you are on the road to success in anything you do.

Having a purpose in life is the power booster juice for survival. Having a purpose gives you the unprecedented energy to persevere no matter the challenges. It powers you through adversity. Once you have a purpose, you see life as a special gift and live it on purpose, working tirelessly to reach your goals. Have

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