Giving means lending help to others. Giving does not have to be monetary. Giving can come in different forms, but no matter what you give, give with all your heart. You don’t have to have a reason to give, just give once you want to give and as you give your gifts becomes indelibly inscribed

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Moving your hips, ankles, knees and your whole body throughout the day,helps you loosen up tight muscles, ligaments and tendons. It also helps your body to become stronger, build immunity and improve endurance. To loosen up the lower muscles, squat until your glutes nearly touch your heels;grabbing the edge of your table for proper balance

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If you really want to achieve great things and be very successful in any worthwhile goals you have set for yourself, start small and focus on just one goal at any given time. Then move to the next and the next, and the next. It’s the fastest and easiest way to get great results.

It is vital to monitor, point out and know the negative people in our lives. Negative people just like negative thoughts can be very poisonous to the system. In order to stop their devastating effects, you must flush out every negative people/thoughts. That is better for your soul and body. Today’s Tip: Flush out negativity

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Dream very BIG. BIG dreams are meant for everyone including you. There is no special formula to dream big. Just dream your dream and make it happen. Remember Author Zuke Azuka. is rooting for you all the time.

Do you need an emotional empowerment? Do you need to re-charge from the stressful effects of daily life and improve your mood? Then get outside and move. A mild exercise consisting of a 40-minute very brisk walking will do wonders to your body, and you’ll love it. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that keeps

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Some relationships are propellers. Some are broken chains. The propellers move you forward. The broken chains crash your movement.Constantly evaluate and flush out the broken chains away from your mobility. When you do,you move forward faster. Move forward today, I am cheering you on.

Oftentimes in this life we have so much dreams and aspirations burning inside us to be fed. We develop so much vibe and expectations that keeps us moving forward and pushing us to make a mark in the universe.These are very fantastic ideals that are worthy of emulation and great praise. But most times, God

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A few years ago following my migration to the United States from West Africa, I worked my first job at Wendy’s flipping burgers, picked up boxes of french fries from the cold room, worked jobs as a custodian asking people if I could pick up their garbage, moved on with faith, determination and trust in

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Bad Stress is not good. It is good practice to eliminate as much as possible all stressors in your life. Prolonged stress can cause great damage to the body and can lead to Depression, Frustrations, Weight gain, Anxiety, Digestive problems, Sleep disturbances and Impaired Sense of Judgement. How do you keep your stress levels in

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