In this life, you must be very clear of what you want for yourself. Not everyone deserves your time and attention. Focus on what makes you feel good and alive, and learn to let things and useless people go when they start to become a burden on you. You are born to spread your wings

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Always allow your intuition to guide you to make better decisions that are aligned to your heart and soul. Life is made of wonderful things and lots of contradictions. Some things will never make sense to you right now. Don’t dwell on the things that don’t make sense right now. Wait for the Universe to

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Don’t ever THINK about giving up! Sometimes we give up because of the fear of failure. The past hurts and mistakes haunt us as well. Don’t spend your life wasting time on the past. We all have things in our past we would have to forget. Put them behind you right now and focus and

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To live a happy and fulfilled life, you must be motivated daily. From waking up, to making breakfast, to going to work, to raising children, to attending college classes, to living life generally, we need to be motivated fully in order to make the best out of life. When I learnt how to stay motivated

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There is so much negativity around the world right now. Most people are angry, upset, tired and or just frustrated with life for no reason at all. The best thing you can do for yourself in these trying times is to surround yourself with positive people. Surrounding yourself with positive and happy people will keep

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Do you know that billions of people worldwide are unhappy ? They are depressed, hopeless and have lost the vibe needed to live an exciting life. But do you know that you can be Happy Daily ? Happiness does not come from acquisition of material things or from making friends or from drinking excessive alcohol.

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Do you feel intimidated by people? Do you feel that you are beneath others? Do you ever feel that you are a second-class citizen? If you feel like any of these, I want you to stop it right now. You are a unique being. You are a great person. You are a wonderful person. You

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Gratitude is the key to abundance. Take a look at your life and you will be amazed at the numerous blessings you have. The more grateful you are for the things you have now, the more you will have. Starting today, find some time to be grateful for the things you have. You will be

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Life can be tough sometimes. But to live a fulfilled life, you must be hopeful. You must be excited about life, and must be so tough that way you’ll be vibrating at your highest frequency to reach for greater heights while enjoying life. I published this book HOPE RESTORED to inspire you to greater heights

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Is there something you want to achieve that you have been putting off or have tried and given up? Understand this, you can never achieve anything in this life without persistence. Every great achievement is as a result of the tireless work of people who persisted and never gave up. What are you working on

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