Distance yourself from negativity and negative people who only give out negative thoughts and energy. They are useless, poisonous and pointless. They will never help you grow but rather they only focus on themselves. Stop them from coming near you and if they are around you, just limit the time you spend with them and

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Life is a precious gift from God. Life is a one-shot program without a do over. So, while living your life, it is important that you totally avoid useless people that add no value to your life. These group of people are there to reduce, distract, divide and subtract from your life. Stay focused and

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When you fall or fail in any project. Do not stay down and complain or set up a pity party. Rather get back up and start fighting hard again for success. Even if people you trusted betray you, break away from them even though you thought they will be in your life a long time.

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Happiness comes when you stop complaining and grudging about the troubles you have and begin to be grateful for all the good things happening in your life and all the troubles you don’t have. When you are grateful for all you have, you open the doors of the universe to send more blessings to you

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Many people read books, take courses, study daily, attend seminars but are never happy in what they do and in life. Why? It is because they have not applied the secret of happiness. What is the secret? The secret is to demonstrate the principles learned and do the actual work needed to get results. That’s

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Time is one of the most precious gifts of life. Time is priceless. Time is a wonderful gift. Time passes much more quickly than you realize. Time is flying by every day. So make the best use of your time now that you have it. Never waste any time on useless thoughts, things and people.

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It is very beneficial to keep yourself active as much as possible. Every physical activity you engage in adds up. You can take the stairs instead of the elevator. This improves muscle strength. A 10-minute walk at lunch time is great. You can as well add other forms of physical activity that you enjoy for

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Effort does not always guarantee the success you expect. Sometimes you can work very hard in life and still not achieve the results you want. That does not mean that you are not smart. That does not mean you should stop. It means you should be resilient, adapt to new changes and try new ways

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Life is not fair. Yes we will encounter situations that seem unfair from time to time. But you have to learn how to cope with situations of life and keep advocating for yourself and focus on only what you can control. Life is flying by every day and you have to match the energy of

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Mistakes are part of life and learning. You will make mistakes in life, no doubt, and that is okay. Mistakes are great opportunities to learn and grow, not reasons to stop enjoying life and quit. They are not reasons to give up. The most important thing is to take responsibility, learn lessons, move forward with

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